Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Major Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Major - Personal Statement Example Seeing as I was enthusiastic about business, I chose to delve into economics. In the discipline of economics, I have been able to amass multiple experiences through a hands-on rationale that drives my quest to prosper. First, I have taken up attachment positions in three firms during summer breaks, with the most influential internship being at British American. I gathered tacit lessons in corporate governance and auditing that are bound to be of help in future. I have also volunteered in peer business programs that seek to forge the way towards innovative business ideas. ‘Eco-plus’ was one such program that afforded university students the opportunity to win ten thousand dollars in grant for creative business facets, in which I acted as regional student representative for California. From these experiences, I have been able to learn the importance of communication in business, and how good communication forms the cornerstone of any successful business entity. Ethics in corporate governance has also emerged as prime cue in economies of scale, since globalization is fast changing the manner in which countries transact their businesses (Bovee & John, 43). With more involvement and interaction in the economic discipline, I am bound to gain practical skills that may yet prove influential in terms of managing a

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