Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Researching in Business Management Literature review

Researching in Business Management - Literature review Example Significant global expansion helps an organization to maximize its business profit. In addition to this organizations can attain growth in market share and can develop potential global customer base through global expansion strategy. Multinational organizations implement several different strategies in different operating countries to meet the market demand of that country. However, these multinational organizations face critical issues associated with business operation in different countries due to different cultural background, economic environment and political aspects. The Coca Cola Company has been selected for the research purpose. Following discussion will help to determine the issues that are faced by Coca Cola Company in different countries. Analysis and Discussion Global business environment is highly competitive as several leading organizations are operating within a similar industry. These organizations not only focus on primary market bases, but also used to target rest of the world. It is true that an organization can achieve significant competitive advantages through effective global expansion strategies. High profitability and high business revenue motivate several leading organizations to expand their business practices in global market place. ... They have to develop effective business strategy in order to get success in global market place. The multinational organizations generally face following issues in their business operation in different countries. Management Issues Culture of an individual generally varies from a country to another. A multinational organization has to develop different corporate and organizational policies in different countries in order to maintain effective business performance. Culture is typically a complex aspect that includes beliefs, art, knowledge, laws, attitude, behaviour, customs and other habits or capabilities acquired by an individual as a member of a particular community or a society. Therefore, it can be stated that work culture cannot be similar in each and every place around the globe. It differs from a person to another due to several cultural differences. Coca Cola is one of the leading multinational soft-drink manufacturing and distributing organization. The organization has signi ficant business operation presences in various global market places. The organization is one of the leading organizations within the industry. Coca Cola faced several issues during globalization and its global expansions. The organization was facing difficulty to develop business and corporate culture in different country due to different cultural background of employees and customers. In addition to this, there were several local organizations in these countries that already had significant brand recognition and market share growth rate. After several difficulties the management of the organization de3cides to market their product in different countries based on the demand and cultural aspect of the customers. Different slogans

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