Friday, October 4, 2019

Yardley Of London Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Yardley Of London - Case Study Example In the past decades so many Organisations laid foundation stone and provided different products and services, none of them is remembered unchanged from the time of initiation, so the change in an Organisation is a mandatory for keeping the products or services in the growth stage.The organisation we would be discussing is a very well known in not only Britain but also the entire world. Yardley of London is among the most popular companies in Britain.Yardley was first brought into business in 1620, in the reign of the impecunious Charles I, when a young man of that name paid the monarch a large, and no doubt welcome, sum of money to gain a concession to manufacture soap for the whole of London. Sadly, the particulars of this canny enterprise were lost in the great fire of London in 1666, except for one detail: Mr. Yardley used English lavender to perfume his soap a fragrance for which Yardley is famous to this day. William Cleaver inherited the soap and perfumery business founded by h is father in the city of London in 1770. When he run into debts his father in law, William Yardley, took over the business becoming the first Yardley to own the enterprise. Here the story of a world-renowned company that has brought beauty to so many women and good grooming to so many men began. In 1817 William Yardley was trading still as a sword-cutler in Bloomsbury, but by 1824, when he died, he had transferred to adjacent premises the second business of supplying lavender, cosmetics and soap. This business was left to his younger son, Charles (1795-1882), for the elder son, John, was already established as a builder. He it was who built St. James's Church in Clerkenwell, and whose name is perpetuated in Yardley Street off Rosebery Avenue London. Charles Yardley soon appointed a partner and established his own son Charles (1824-1872), in the business, which was known as Yardley and Statham. It was under this name that the firm exhibited at the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park in 185 1, expending some fifty pounds on showcases, soap moulds and other items and sharing a little of the glory of the incredible 'Crystal Palace'. A sample cake of Old Brown Windsor Soap, carrying an embossed representation of Windsor Castle is still preserved in the Yardley archives and was exhibited again at the 1951 Festival of Britain. The business was blooming and the first overseas selling organisations were open. Advertising increased and with it the demand for Yardley products. By 1910 a London centre at 8 New Bond Street, famous for years afterwards, had been opened for the display and retail sales of a firm which, only ten years before, had been virtually unknown to the general public. 1920 saw Yardley converted into a public limited company, with 1921 bringing the first foray into the lucrative US market. By 1932 the spirit duty on lavender was removed, turnover doubled and the factory needed extending. Further accommodation was found at 32 High Street Stratford. From 1950s o nwards, Yardley further enhanced its worldwide reputation by expanding into five different market sectors: cosmetics, luxury bath products, female fragrances, male fragrances and skin care. These were the years where the beloved classics of White Satin, Lace and English Blazer were launched, and the Yardley lipsticks were advertised as an essential 'woman's ammunition'. Yardley London enters the new millennium as world leaders in naturally fragranced bath luxuries, remaining true to its heritage as the quintessential English perfumery house specialising in lavender and floral fragrances. From sedan chairs to the Concorde; from messengers to communication

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